Suspended under the ceiling of the stage of the Old City Power Plant is a light white sheet – like a soft sky, like a shelter for the manifestations of the unconscious, conscious, sensual and (yet) inexpressible, which arises and comes to life between reality and phantasm. In a meditative atmosphere, the installation works beyond the obvious and self-evident.
We are invited to join the social body with patience and openness to breaking habits, create spaces for our own pulse and strengthen hope for the revitalization of the common.
Erika Šešek, Koridor
Touch Tissue Texture
Co-authors delve into the very nature of communication, which we understand as “action–dialogue” and “situation–meeting”.
We recognise that the primary relationship is built through touch, which we understand in the broadest sense.
Thus, we build and expand dialogue together with visual artist and sound artist into different spheres of “touching”: tangible, perceived/felt, material/ephemeral, intimate/common, haptic/visual/audio.
The project “Dotikanja” is part of the series of Dialogues, which Snježana Premuš started in 2022. The project is fundamentally an exploratory and unconventional dance project that addresses the viewer holistically, through physical as well as cognitive channels. That is why the performance of Touch, Tissue, Texture is enriched by open formats – “Touching silences”, which the artists perform with different target groups.
Colophon →
Co-authors and performers: Snježana Premuš and Anja Bornšek
Artistic direction: Snjezana Premuš
Music: Ida Hiršenfelder
Lighting design: Špela Škulj
Costume design: Jelena Pirkmajer Cliché
Design: Sonia Pust
Photo: Marcandrea
Production of the scene: Martin Podrzavnik
Public relations: Urška Comin
Production: Zavod Federacija Ljubljana, Anja Bornšek, Snježana Premuš
Co-production: Nagib Festival, MA Institute
Partners: Bunker Ljubljana, LGM Maribor
The project is supported: Ministry of Culture of Slovenia and Municipality of Ljubljana and Maribor
TOUCH TISSUE TEXTURE – Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana 2023