“Premuš has revealed this elusive drive of the body. Through the photographic part of the exhibition, the renowned dancers, who have proven themselves as excellent ballerinas, actresses, choreographers and performers, exposed the intangible, the invisible – images of the body that escape us in the drive for life. The focus body parts open up the side of the manipulations of the gaze, the recesses that remind us of another, less human, landscape. The details of the body, the sound of the performance without the body, the juxtaposition of the pirouettes from Swan Lake in the video with the stuffed bear are tangible and visible manoeuvres of the presentation of the body and time, mortality and immortality.
Jedrt Jež Furlan

“The gallery space offered an ideal place for the choreographic work with the dancers, who built an artwork that merges two quite barely compatible dancing practices – ballet and contemporary approaches to body and movement. The outcome of this experimental phase was not only the research result but a multimedia gallery presentation created by several ambitious artists from different fields, who managed to combine several other media with the idea of a dancing performance – the installation, video, photography and experimental music. The exhibition remained open for a few days. The presented approach had very positive feedback from our gallery visitors while giving a new perspective on experiencing contemporary dance practices.”
Marija Skočir, curator and artistic director of Match Gallery // Vžigalica

The Intelligent Body 1

Match Gallery (Vžigalica), 2012 

The project began (in 2012 with Sanja Nešković Peršin and Mateja Rebolj) by examining the language of ballet as a universal language, by examining its code and control and corresponding disciplined body. It focuses on the importance of the dynamic body through a new perspective of the body image and its impact on how we think about the body. The work presents insight into the basic human need for order – creating forms, rules and structures – and the equal need for expression, invention, change. 






Zanima me

the field of embodied perception

I am building Physical Manifestations precisely upon this liberalisation of the body from the gaze. For the gaze objectifies the body.

I am building Physical Manifestations precisely upon this liberalisation of the body from the gaze. For the gaze objectifies the body.”

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