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Snježana Premuš koreografinja, plesalka, somatska raziskovalka / choreographer, dancer, somatic researcher


Snježana Premuš je študirala na London Contemporary Dance school, kjer je leta 1998 magistrirala v koreografiji. Sodelovala je na rezidencah in festivalih in prejela številne štipendije: Tanzfabrik Berlin, DanceWeb Dunaj, Dance production Glasgow, On the Edge master klasi Paris, Tuning scores Lisa Nelson Ljubljana, Dialogue Fabbrica Europa Firence. 2012 je zaključila študij Body mind centering in yoga (EAY), Moveus Berlin.

V dvajsetletni plesni karieri je sodelovala s številnimi mednarodnimi umetniki: Ivana Jozić, Mariela Nestora, Philipp Gemacher, Elena Alonso, Ignaz Schick, Vinko Globokar, Lisa Nelson, Mateja Bučar, En Knap, Betontanz, Sebastijan Horvat, Petra Veber, Maja Delak.

Leta 2009 je skupaj z Andrejo Podrzavnik in Gregorjem Kamnikarjem ustanovila zavod Federacija, kjer deluje kot umetnica, članica Kolektiva in od leta 2012 direktorica zavoda.

Kot koreografinja se Snježana Premuš na različne načine, v okviru večletnega raziskovalnega projekta Fizične manifestacije, ukvarja z vprašanjem telesnosti (telesne podobe) in s kolektivnim telesom. Zanima jo razvoj somatskih principov skozi telo in njihovih manifestacij ter načini soobstajanja in organiziranja. Razvija intrigantne predstave ter instalacije, ki preizprašujejo družbene prostore delovanja, izmenjave, sodelovanja, opazovanja.

V letu 2020 je razvila širšo platformo izmenjav znanja in izkušenj v okviru Simpozija Dialog. K premišljevanju so se pridružili umetniki in strokovnjaki iz različnih področij (ples, arhitektura, dramaturgija, filozofija).

Za svoje delo v okviru Fizičnih manifestacij je prejela leta 2017 Nagrado Ksenije Hribar.

2013 je s Kolektivom Federacija prejela nagrado Plaketa Mete Vidmar za izjemen prispevek na področju sodobnega plesa in dela z mladimi.

2009 je prejela nagrado publike na Bienalu sodobnega plesa Slovenije Gibanica za predstavo Move As.

2005 je kot koreografinja sodelovala v projektu Alamut (režija Sebastijan Horvat), Drama Ljubljana, ki je na Festspiele Salzburg prejel nagrado Young Director’s Prize.


Snježana Premuš studied dance at the London Contemporary Dance School and received a Master’s degree in choreography in 1998. She was invited to residencies and festivals and received several scholarships: Tanzfabrik Berlin, DanceWeb Vienna, Dance production Glasgow, On the Edge master classes Paris, Tuning scores Ljubljana, Dialogue Fabbrica Europa Florence. In 2012, she completed her studies in Body Mind Centering and Yoga (EAY), Moveus Berlin.

In her twenty-year dance career she has collaborated with many international artists: Ivana Jozić, Berndt Skodzig, Mariela Nestora, Philipp Gemacher, Elena Alonso, Ignaz Schick, Vinko Globokar, Lisa Nelson, Mateja Bučar, En Knap, Betontanz, Sebastijan Horvat, Petra Veber, Maja Delak.

In 2009, together with Andreja Podrzavnik and Gregor Kamnikar founds the Federation Institute, where she works as an artist, a member of the Collective and since 2012 the director of the institute.

As a choreographer Snježana Premuš deals with the issue of physicality (body image) and the collective body in various ways, within the long term research project Physical Manifestations. She is interested in how somatic principles evolve through the body its manifestations and possible extensions in different forms of coexistence and organisations. Latest performances and installations are intriguing spaces of social action, exchange, cooperation and observation.

In 2020, she developed a broader platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience within the Dialogue Symposium. Artists and experts from various fields (dance, architecture, dramaturgy, philosophy etc.) are invited to form multilayered perspectives within the form of a Dialogue.

In 2017 she received the choreographic award Ksenija Hribar for her work within the research project Physical manifestations.

In 2014 with Kolektiv Federacija was awarded with Plaketa Mete Vidmar for outstanding work in the field of contemporary dance.

2009 Public prize on Biennale of Slovenian Contemporary Dance Slovenia for her performance Move AS

In 2005 she collaborated as a choreographer with the director Sebastijan Horvat in theatre production Alamut (National theatre – Drama) – Young director’s prize Festival Salzburg.

Dogodki / Events

Premiera  Čas v pogledu: Etude 2, Stara elektrarna Ljubljana

5.4. – 11.4.2021
Rezidenca in prezentacija v okviru Creative Crossroads (LLB Program, Kreativna Evropa) v  Uferstudios, Berlin
Projekta: Čas v pogledu – Etude 2 in Vsak zdaj je čas, prostor
>> več

19. – 21.5.2021
Laboratorij Refleksija v akciji. Refleksija na akcijo: Seme – evolucija gibanja, Ljubljana

24.5. – 4.6.2021
Vsak zdaj je čas, prostor, Festival 56. Borštnikovo
>> več

Premier: Time in a glance – Etude 2, Old power plant Ljubljana

5.4. – 11.4.2021 
Residency and presentation in the framework of Creative Crossroads (LLB Program, Creative Europe) in  Uferstudios, Berlin
Projects: Time in a glance – Etude 2 and Every now is time, space
>> more

Lab Reflection in action. Reflection on action: Seed – evolution of motion, Ljubljana

24.5.- 4.6.2021
Every now is time, space, Festival 56. Borštnikovo
>> more

2012 - 2020

Projekt Fizične manifestacije je kompleksna večplastna platforma, ki vključuje laboratorije, delavnice in instalacije. Omogoča kontinuirano raziskavo z različnimi možnimi izidi, dokumenti, predstavami in interaktivnimi (fizičnimi ali virtualnimi) prostori, kjer lahko gledalci in umetniki vadijo uglaševanje. Projekt, ki se je začel kot intimna raziskava in dialog med povabljenimi umetniki, počasi prerašča v mednarodno mrežo.

2012 - 2020

The project Physical manifestations is a complex multilayered platform, involving laboratories, workshops and installations as an ongoing research with different possible outcomes, documents, performances and interactive (physical or virtual) spaces, where the attunement can be practised, rehearsed by the spectators and artists. A project that has started as an intimate research and dialogue between invited artists is slowly growing into an international network.

Fizične manifestacije

Physical manifestations

Intermedijski prostor uglaševanja

Space for tuning



Snježana Premuš razume človeško telo kot dokaj kompleksno topografijo različnih somatskih, kulturnih ter družbenih in političnih anatomij, hkrati pa prostor in čas kot anatomsko in kinetično gibkost razprtih telesnih podob. Rok Vevar

Snježana Premuš recognises the human body as a quite complex topography of different somatic, cultural and political – anatomies, while simultaneously understanding space and time as the anatomic and kinetic dexterity of expansive body images. Rok Vevar

Telesna podoba

Body image



Somatska raziskava in vadbe

Somatic research and classes

Simpozij Dialog

Symposium Dialogue


Predstavljamo 5 dogodkov, ki so bili izvirno izvedeni na Simpoziju Dialog med 21.-25.10.2020 in 9.-11.1.2021.

Povabljeni umetniki in strokovnjaki premišljujejo načine soobstoja, percepcije, sodelovanja, odgovornosti iz različnih pozicij do umetniškega dela Vsak zdaj je čas, prostor.

Prostori uglaševanja skozi različne percepcijske modalnosti.


We offer 5 events that were originally presented at the Symposium Dialogue between 21.-25.10.2020 and 9.-11.1.2021.

Several artists and experts reflect on coexistence, perception, collaboration, responsibility from their various positions to the work Every now is time, space.

Tuning space, a re-set space through various modes of perception.

Symposium Dialogue


We offer 5 events that were originally presented at the Symposium Dialogue between 21.-25.10.2020 and 9.-11.1.2021.

Several artists and experts reflect on coexistence, perception, collaboration, responsibility from their various positions to the work Every now is a time, a space.

Tuning space, a re-set space through various modes of perception.

Od horizontale k vertikali

From horizontal to vertical


Anja Bornšek




Snježana Premuš & Tina Valentan



Snježana Premuš & Anja Bornšek



Bor Pungerčič & Dragana Alfirević



Jasmina Založnik & Pia Brezavšček

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