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Reflection in action, reflection on action.
(Emerging formats)

“Pomembno je, da se z gledalci srečamo v samem izvoru – tam kjer telesna podoba živi – v telesu.” Snježana Premuš

Snježana Premuš’s projects are recognized by Pia Brezavšček (Dnevnik: 2019) as demanding spaces of participation that do not submit to the national team. The viewer is not seen merely as a passive observer, but cultivates work formats that allow the visitor / viewer a deeper, more experiential, and insightful penetration of art and work.

In the eight years of the project’s development, the author has developed collaborations with many experts and artists, as well as spectators who have become regular followers of the events. The researched formats are designed both for the professional public (invitation of experts: dancers, choreographers, playwrights, critics and theorists, architects) as well as for target groups entering the field of contemporary dance (schoolchildren and dancers within dance studios and educational programs) and the general public. .